Track & Verify your ad buys

Take the guesswork out of tracking and verifying your ad buys. Our audits are independent, third party reviews of specific ad buys or placement schedules to verify that all spots, sponsorship tags, announcer-read scripts, DJ ad libs, etc., ran according to plan.

Our team personally verifies and documents all instances of compliance and non-compliance and delivers a detailed report explaining discrepancies.

SpotOn™ audits can help both Advertisers and Media Houses

● Audits that hold media houses accountable for fulfilling their contractual obligations to advertisers.

● Audits document whether insertion orders were implemented fully and accurately.

● Audits check that correct creative is being used.

● Audits verify brand exclusivity in spot breaks.

● Audits give advertisers data to confidently demand make-goods and refunds.

● Audits hold buyers and agencies accountable for the stewardship of a company’s advertising dollars:

o Are buyers and agencies holding the media houses to account?

o Are buyers and agencies aware of individual media house compliance rates?

o Is the company getting full value for money spent?

● Audits allow media owners to benchmark station or individual announcer/DJ compliance rates.

● A clean bill of health from an independent auditor is a powerful marketing tool.

● A less than perfect assessment allows media owners to target areas for improvement and to hold managers accountable for station performance.

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