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Media InSite News is a monthly educational newsletter distributed free via email to executives, managers & professionals in ​communications, public relations (PR) marketing, customer service and media.
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Enter Media InSite’s ADkive™ — a permanent library of all advertising creatives from all monitored traditional media (print, radio and television) since 2014. This database of creatives is easily searchable by brands or keywords, with facilities to review or download...
In the fast-paced world of business, staying ahead of competitors is essential. As more brands turn to social media advertising as a cost-effective alternative or complement to traditional methods, having a strategy to navigate this landscape is crucial.
In today's digital age, monitoring and analysing earned and owned media have become essential components of any successful marketing strategy. Media InSite Ltd.’s Earned and Owned Media Monitoring service offers businesses a comprehensive solution to track their media presence, understand...