Regardless if you’re advertising your brand via radio, television, print or digital media, monitoring your efforts will help you to ensure that you’re reaching your advertising goals. During these difficult times, finding ways to maximize your Return on Investment (ROI) on your advertising budget is crucial. At Media InSite, our ad monitoring services can help you to monitor your competition, identify gaps in reaching your audience, reach potential customers, increase market competitiveness and generally help you to improve your future advertising campaigns. Let’s dive into the importance of ad monitoring.
By utilizing ad monitoring tools, you can determine firstly if your advertisements and ad-libs are being played, displayed or printed correctly during the allocated dates and times to get your money’s worth. With our SpotCheck™ ad spot verification service, you will be able to see exactly when your spots were aired. If you are unable to determine when your ads were played, we also offer ad audits and reconciliation with our SpotOn™ service.
Additionally, ad monitoring can allow you to get a better grasp of the current advertising status of your industry. With the competitor intelligence data gathered from our SpotLightâ„¢ service, you can monitor the advertising habits of your competition including Share of Spend and Share of Activity. With this data, you will be able to determine their dominance on each platform in comparison to yours.
If the data indicates that your competitor spends most of their advertising budget on ads on a particular social media platform, it may be in your interest to exploit the void that they have left in the other platforms. If you’re looking for a more in-depth analysis of the industry’s advertising data, then our ADviser Reports™ may be right for you.
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